#blacklivesmatter-Sentiment vs. Movement: A Christian Perspective

#blacklivesmatter-Sentiment vs. Movement: A Christian Perspective

Like almost all things in the relativism of 21st century society, there is no firm line. We find Christians on both sides, some as advocates and others as adversaries. The advocates believe the adversaries lack compassion and the adversaries believe the advocates lack wisdom. It’s an epic standoff to be sure. Unfortunately, it is played out in competing social media posts that contain no context, showcase little thoughtfulness, and only hope for more fireworks, not real solutions. Whether you be an advocate or an adversary, I believe the Word of the Lord is that we stop making fools of ourselves and start making sense. Selah

Don't Waste the Wilderness

Don't Waste the Wilderness

American Christianity has stumbled upon a wilderness that we did not choose and one that few would ever want. However, the purpose of the wilderness in scripture was always to bring about change so that the person who emerged was wholly different from the person that entered. If we don’t learn to embrace our present wilderness, we will miss what God desires to accomplish in it and through it.

Government Restraint in the Age of Global Panic

Government Restraint in the Age of Global Panic

The global pandemic sweeping through the world is a major issue that requires drastic measures on the part of government and that of the people. However, even in crisis, it is the responsibility of the people to restrain the heavy-hand of government. The type of world that we return to is just as important as the decisions we make to save it. Civil liberties must be guarded and any policy put forth by government officials must be met with skepticism and restraint.

On Gun Control and the American Ideal

On Gun Control and the American Ideal

The only thing standing in the way of the collapse of American individualism is the protection of the American individual. In a moment of crisis, whether against a crazed killer or a tyrannical government, the only thing the American individual can rely on is his or her own liberty and the ability to protect his or her own individualism. Even if the government possesses the modern means to entirely overrun the people, it doesn’t lessen the liberty of the person.



We've lost our adventure. We've lost our faith that God will do supernatural things in improbable places. We've lost the Gospel and the Commission that goes with it. Worst yet, we've lost the Christ and any zeal for His kingdom. Our comfortable Christianity doesn't know how to respond to people who have no desire to live in comfort…