


I have seen many posts criticizing this young man's decision to go to a unreached people known to be hostile to outsiders. I'm not surprised that much of the criticism is coming from American Christians. It's difficult to see the value of a violent end for the cause of the cross when we live for such a comfortable end for the same cause.

I've seen many even say the man couldn't have been led by the Holy Spirit. Our comfortable faith doesn't recognize a God that would send us into impossible situations. For this reason, we avoid crime ridden cities and only attempt to evangelize middle class neighborhoods.

We've lost our adventure. We've lost our faith that God will do supernatural things in improbable places. We've lost the Gospel and the Commission that goes with it. Worst yet, we've lost the Christ and any zeal for His kingdom. Our comfortable Christianity doesn't know how to respond to people who have no desire to live in comfort. So, we ridicule their life as pointless. We scold and demean those who dare to go. We look sideways at the individual who devotes themselves to Africa, or to China, or to the rough part of town right down the street. God gives us wisdom is our favorite quote. Evidently, He also gives us little desire to accomplish anything He tasked the Bride with accomplishing.

We would call the man foolish for risking his life for the glory of God. We are the fools wrapped in comfort and calling it Christianity.

An African Christian recently gave an interview in America. His request to the American Church was simple: "I beg you; do not compromise here in the West on the faith that we in Africa are dying for." Would we dare call African Christians foolish as well?

"It will not do to say that you have no special call to go to China. With these facts before you and with the command of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a special call to stay at home." -Hudson Taylor